Advt: 2/2013: SA-B (Lib), TA-B (Mech, Electronics), Lab. Asst.B
Scientific Assistant-B (Library), Technical Assistant-B (Mechanical, Electronics), Lab. Asst.-B
Advt No. 2/2013
The National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Pune [NCRA] of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research [TIFR] [an autonomous institute under the umbrella of the Department of Atomic Energy of the Government of India] is an internationally reputed research institute. NCRA-TIFR is located inside the Pune University Campus. Facilities operated by NCRA-TIFR include, the Ooty Radio Telescope (ORT) and the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). Located about 80 KM north of Pune, GMRT is the world’s largest radio telescope at metre wavelengths. NCRA is on the lookout for suitably qualified candidates for the following positions:
1. Scientific Assistant-B [Library] [1 Post: OBC, HQ: Pune] (Click here to apply online)
[TME: 29,880/-; PB-2: 9300-34800, GP: 4200]
Essential Qualifications: (i) B.Sc. with at least 60% marks and Graduate in Library Science with minimum 60% marks (ii) Should be conversant with using of personal computers and running applications on it.
Experience: Minimum 2 years experience in well-established Scientific/Technical Library.
Desirable: Preference will be given to candidates having extensive knowledge of Information Technology including the use of Library Management Softwares.
Job Requirements: The candidate will be required to handle routine library duties, digital databases and web-based services.
Age: Below 31 years (after relaxation as on 1st Jan 2013)
2. Technical Assistant-B (Mech) [1 Post: UR, HQ: Khodad] (Click here to apply online)
[TME: 28,340/-, PB-2: 9300-34800, GP: 4200]
Essential Qualifications: (i) SSC/HSC, (ii) Diploma in Engineering (Mech) with at least 60% marks. (iii) Knowledge of use of AutoCad and Mechanical software. (iv) Knowledge of NDT is essential.
Experience: Minimum 1 year experience in fabrication, erection, painting and maintenance of large structures.
Age: Below 28 years (as on 1st Jan 2013).
3. Technical Assistant-B (Electronics) [1 Post: UR, HQ: Khodad] (Click here to apply online)
[TME: 28,340, PB-2: 9300-34800, GP: 4200]
Essential Qualifications: (i) SSC/HSC, (ii) Diploma in Engineering (Electronics) with at least 60% marks. (iii) Knowledge of use of personal computers and its applications.
Experience: Minimum 1 year experience in design, development and testing of Analog, Digital, Electronics circuits and systems in a reputed organization.
Age: Below 28 years (as on 1st Jan 2013).
4. Laboratory Assistant-B (Electronics) [1 Post: OBC, HQ: Khodad] (Click here to apply online)
[TME: 18,044/-, PB-1: 5200-20200, GP: 2000]
Essential Qualifications: i) S.S.C. OR Equivalent, ii) ITI (Electronics) with at least 60% marks.
Experience: Either (i) 2 year or (ii) NCTVT with 1 year in a reputed organisation.
Age: Below 31 years (after relaxation as on 1st Jan 2013).
Last date for receipt of the applications: 10th June 2013.
Age will be reckoned as on 1st January 2013. TME: Total Monthly Emoluments, reflects Pay+GP+DA (presently 80%). HRA, transport and other allowances. PB: Pay Band, GP: Grade Pay.
How to apply: Candidates are encouraged to apply on-line at Signed application in the prescribed format will also be accepted. This should be sent in a sealed cover super-scribing the post applied for on the envelope and sent to the Administrative Officer, NCRA-TIFR, Post Bag 3, Ganeshkhind, Pune University Campus, Pune 411007. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered. For details such as application format, etc., visit
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