Internship 2011
The National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, TIFR, Pune, invites applications for a one-year post-graduate internship program in radio astronomy, beginning in August 2011. This program has the aim of orienting bright and motivated students with a B.E. or a B.Tech. degree towards a research career in astronomy, particularly at radio wavelengths. The program consists of courses in basic physics (classical and quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics and electrodynamics) at the Master's level, allied with exposure to computation, data analysis and basic astronomy. The students will also be introduced to radio astronomy, with an emphasis on areas studied with NCRA's major facility, the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). Selected students will be expected to participate in observatory-related and academic activities at NCRA and GMRT, and will be given campus accommodation and a stipend.
After successful completion of the first year, the interns will be required to pass an entrance examination and interview for entry into the NCRA-IUCAA graduate school. Students passing these qualifiers will be eligible to join NCRA as research scholars and work towards a Ph.D. degree. While equipping engineering students with a healthy knowledge of basic physics to allow them entry into the NCRA Ph.D. program is the primary goal of the internship program, the skills and experience that the students will acquire have broader applicability in other branches of astronomy and physics.
Students who expect to complete their B.E/B.Tech. degree requirements by August 2011 are eligible to apply for the internship programme. Candidates should fill and submit the online application form, available at OR Click here . Besides academic information, the form requires the entry of the name and e-mail address of a referee who has agreed to provide a confidential assessment of the applicant. Submission of the form will generate an automatic e-mail message to the referee, requesting him/her to fill and submit the online Confidential Assessment form. Short-listed candidates will be invited to take the written test on the date listed below; from these, a further short-list will be selected for interviews. All out-station candidates who are invited to take the written test will be paid travel support as per NCRA's rules.
In case of any queries or problems with filling out the online forms, please send e-mail to
The last date to receive the online application and assessment forms |
October 1, 2010. Since employment news appeared on 2nd Oct 2010, the last date has been extended upto 15th October 2010 |
The admission (written) test will be held on | December 22, 2010. |
Short-listed candidates will be interviewed on | December 22 and/or 23, 2010. |
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