Characterising the Ionosphere above the GMRT

Post-Doctoral Fellowships

The National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (NCRA-TIFR), Pune, India, is seeking a Post-Doctoral Fellow to work on ionospheric studies of relevance to the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). The successful candidate will work with Prof. Divya Oberoi and collaborators. 

Correcting for ionospheric effects is essential for wide field high dynamic range imaging at metre wavelengths. As a step towards this, this project aims to characterize the ionosphere above the GMRT using GMRT interferometric observations and also the GPS TEC data which has been gathered for the past few years at the GMRT and other locations in the vicinity. The GPS TEC data also include multiple years of simultaneous observations from two stations, and have been gathered as a part of a project with ISRO. This project will include a detailed comparison of the current state-of-the-art ionospheric model with the TEC data gathered at the GMRT, characterization of spatial and temporal ionospheric variability observed in these data and estimation of ionospheric Faraday rotation. Prior experience in interferometric data reduction and familiarity with the analysis and/or interpretation of GPS TEC data are very desirable.

The candidate is expected to contribute about 60% of their time to the above ongoing projects, while the rest can be used for their independent research. Areas of research in broad alignment with the needs of the GMRT are strongly encouraged.

Research activities at NCRA-TIFR are centred on low-frequency radio astronomy, with faculty members pursuing research in diverse areas of astrophysics. NCRA-TIFR operates two large observational facilities, the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope and the Ooty Radio Telescope.

Applications containing a curriculum vitae, a research plan, and the names and e-mail addresses of three or more referees should be sent to the Dean, NCRA-TIFR Faculty, at the e-mail address, by May 31, 2024. Applicants should also request their referees to send in recommendation letters by the same deadline. All enquiries should also be made to this e-mail address. All applicants will automatically be considered for all available Post-Doctoral Fellowships at NCRA-TIFR.

The monthly salary of Post-Doctoral Fellows at NCRA-TIFR depends on experience after the doctoral degree. Candidates are required to have at least a provisional Ph.D. degree when taking up the position. For candidates who have received their doctoral degrees, the monthly salary ranges from INR 58,000 to INR 67,000, depending on experience. Post-doctoral fellows are also entitled to a contingency grant of INR 40,000 per year. All project post-doctoral positions are tenable for a maximum of 3 years, with continuations subject to a yearly review.

Post-doctoral Fellows at NCRA-TIFR are provided a travel grant of INR 3,00,000 over the course of the fellowship to enable them to travel for international conferences or for research collaborations. They are also entitled to a house rent allowance, and medical coverage under NCRA-TIFR's medical scheme.

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