Grievance Cell
NCRA staff members who may have a grievance in any matter concerning their service in the Institute, may seek its redress by making a representation to appropriate higher authorities. After a reasonable interval of time (up to 2 months), if the grievance is not attended to or if the member is not satisfied with the action taken, he/she may submit the grievance in writing to the Director or Chair ACCC, who may forward it to the Grievance Cell for necessary action. The staff member may send a copy to the Chairperson, Grievance Cell, for advance information.
Pensioners with a grievance may seek its redress by making a representation to the Pension Disbursal Officer and then follow a procedure similar to that outlined above.
The Grievance Cell is authorized to consider the cases thus received, call for related files/papers from the concerned section and make suitable recommendations to the Chair ACCC for consideration. Minutes of the Grievance Cell meetings will be sent to the Chair ACCC with a copy to the Registrar. Action Taken Report by the concerned Authority shall be sent to the Chairperson, Grievance Cell, for the record.
Regarding grievance cases of outstation members, if files are required from outstation, the Chairperson, Grievance Cell, will obtain them through proper channels.
The TIFR office order notifying the Grievance Cell is available here.
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