Part Time Medical Officer
Advt. No. 6/2015
NCRA, Pune is a premier Centre of TIFR which is located inside the Pune University Campus and operates the GMRT — which is the world’s largest radio telescope at metre wavelengths and also operates Ooty Radio Telescope. NCRA is on the lookout for Part Time Medical Officers. This is purely a temporary and contractual post.
Medical beneficiaries strength:
At present, the total number of medical beneficiary base is approx. 1200 which includes staff members, their dependent family members and retirees from our parent departments.
Clinic working hours: FOUR HOURS (MONDAY TO SATURDAY)
This can be split into two batches i.e. 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. & 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m
Functioning of the Clinic:
The clinic has an Administrative Trainee to provide clerical support. Generally, the medicines prescribed by MO are delivered to the beneficiary at a clinic, by a local pharmacy. The Centre will provide the required basic amenities viz. instruments, medicines, consumables etc. in the clinic.
Activities expected from part time Medical Officers:
- Medical examination, consultation, diagnostics, prescription/treatment to the staff members of the Centre, their family members and retirees and extending follow up treatment/advices;
- Issuing referral letters to authorized hospitals/clinics labs for necessary treatment;
- Maintenance of medical records of the staff/family members
- Dispensing medicines, administering medicines (injection) and maintenance of records of the same;
- Indenting fresh stock of medicines if required through NCRA Administration;
- Medical check-up of fresh appointees / students authorized by NCRA Administration;
- Countersigning of medical reimbursement claims and certification of bills received from various hospitals/diagnostic centers.
- Issuance of medical certificates to the staff members in required cases, considering the merit of such cases.
- Emergency services beyond the normal working hours of the clinic on call.
- Referring staff members above the age of 40 for yearly medical check up to the authorized hospital(s).
Applications in prescribed format given below may be sent in a sealed envelope addressed to the Head Admin and Finance OR you may send an email application addressed to
It may be possible that we may hire services of one or more part time medical officers.
Click here to download application Form for the post of Part Time Medical Officer
TO CONTAC US : Head (Administration and Finance)
National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Post Bag No.3, Ganeshkhind, Pune University Campus, Pune – 411007
PHONE : 020 2571 9000, 020 2571 9111, FAX : 020-25692149
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