Ujjwal Panda

Research Scholar
Email: upanda [at] ncra.tifr.res.in
Phone: 020-2571 9267
Extn: 9267
Office: G123
National Centre for Radio Astrophysics
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Savitribai Phule Pune University Campus,
Pune 411 007
Maharashtra, INDIA

Main Research Areas: Pulsar and transient searches; pulsar timing; High-performance astronomical software

Supervisor: Jayanta Roy


Ujjwal obtained his M.Sc. (Honours) degree in Chemistry and his B.E. (Honours) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani in 2020. He then joined NCRA-TIFR as an Integrated Ph.D student. After completing his coursework at Pune University and the IUCAA-NCRA Graduate School, he is now working with Jayanta Roy on his doctoral research on pulsar and transient searches with a new commensal survey backend at the GMRT.

Research description:

Pulsar and transient surveys:
We are currently putting together a high-performance, multi-beam, commensal survey backend at the GMRT. This will be used for searching for fast radio bursts (FRBs) and pulsars, in real time. This survey will also attempt to localise each FRB that it detects, with the current goal being to discover and localise 250 FRBs in three years of operation. My work involves helping design and test the data processing pipeline that we will employ for this project.
Pulsar timing:
Pulsar timing is a useful method to obtain a pulsar's parameters with significant precision, and enable studies of its unique properties. However, precision timing requires a good initial guess of some of the pulsar's parameters, especially if it is in a binary system. My current work involves making this process simpler, by implementing algorithms that allow for the determination of these parameters from sparsely sampled values of a pulsar's spin period.
Designing astronomical software:
I spend a lot of time either thinking about, or designing, software to be used in astronomical applications (particularly for high-performance ones). My work is available on GitHub here: https://github.com/astrogewgaw .

Selected publications:

1. S. Singh, J. Roy, U. Panda, et al.. "The GMRT High Resolution Southern Sky Survey for Pulsars and Transients. III. Searching for Long-Period Pulsars." The Astrophysical Journal 934, 138

2. S. Singh, J. Roy, B. Bhattacharyya, U. Panda, et al.. "The GMRT High Resolution Southern Sky Survey for Pulsars and Transients. IV: Discovery of 4 New Pulsars with an FFA Search." The
Astrophysical Journal 944, 54