The Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India is a quarterly journal published in English, and appearing in March, June, September and December. The Bulletin publishes original research papers, review articles and short reviews/comments on topics of current interest in any area of astronomy and astrophysics. Manuscripts should be sent to the Editor. trial02 Instructions to authors should be followed while preparing the manuscripts. All enquiries related to the publication of papers should be addressed to or The impact factor of BASI for 2011 based on citations listed in SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) for research and review articles published in BASI is 3.89. You can find estimates for earlier years by clicking here. BASI Print ISSN: 0304-9523
Three of the double-lobed radio sources in the Lockman Hole field imaged with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope at 610 MHz (from Garn, Green, Riley and Alexander 2010, BASI, Vol. 38) |
Astronomical Society of India Conference Series (ASICS)
In order to make recent results presented in conferences available to a wide community, the Astronomical Society of India has started a Conference Series. Conferences held either within or outside the country can be published as part of the ASI Conference Series. All papers in the Conference Series will be refereed, and its publication will be overseen by the Editorial Board of BASI. We welcome proposals from organisers of astronomical meetings or editors of the proceedings. Enquiries and proposals may be sent to either or
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Last updated: 2012 January 24