The Bulletin publishes original research papers, review articles and short reviews/comments on topics of current interest in any area of astronomy and astrophysics. While submitting a research paper to the Bulletin, the corresponding author guarantees that it represents the results of original research which have not been submitted for consideration for publication to any other journal, and that the paper has been read and its contents agreed upon by the co-authors. Authors wishing to write a review article for consideration for publication in the Bulletin are requested to consult with the Editors or members of the Editorial Board in advance. All contributions to the Bulletin are refereed by an international panel of referees. We list and thank all our referees who have generously spared some of their time to review papers for the Bulletin during the course of the year, in the December issue of each year.
To ensure rapid dissemination of results submitted for publication in the Bulletin, accepted manuscripts will be published in the Bulletin web pages soon after the authors have proof read the edited paper. Authors are also encouraged to submit their papers to the astro-ph arXiv, giving details of its publication status in the Bulletin. To ensure rapid publication in the Bulletin, authors should take care while preparing the manuscripts, so as to avoid either major corrections or alterations at later stages. Authors are liable for the cost of excessive alterations in the proof-reading stage. Please ensure that all the citations and references are correct, and are in the Bulletin style in both the text and the list of references.
There are no page charges for publication in the Bulletin. Authors who wish to receive 50 offprints of their publication free of charge should let the Bulletin office know at the time of submission of the manuscript. Without an explicit request, only the pdf file of the published manuscript will be available to the authors.
In order to make recent results presented in conferences available to a wide community, the Astronomical Society of India has started a Conference Series. Conferences held either within or outside the country can be published as part of the ASI Conference Series. The Conference Series volumes will be available via the web page of BASI as well as ADS. All papers in the Conference Series will be refereed, and all aspects of its publication will be overseen by the Editorial Board of BASI.
Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively and have self-contained headings and legends. Tables and figures must be cited in the text of the paper in the correct order in which they appear in the manuscript. Figures are usually in black and white in the print version of the Bulletin and the ASI Conference Series, but could be in colour in the on-line version. If necessary, figures may be in colour in the print version as well, especially if the authors are willing to pay the extra cost of printing the colour figure(s). If you have reproduced a figure from any other journal or book, it is the authors' responsibility to obtain all the requisite permissions. Please do remember that copyright infringement is a legal issue.
Citations and References should follow the following norms. In the text of the paper, for one author use either (Prabhu 2006) or Prabhu (2006) depending on the context, while for two authors use an ampersand: either Joshi & Sirothia (2009) or (Joshi & Sirothia 2009) depending on the context. For three authors use all three names the first time as in Subramanian, Subrahmanya & Subrahmanyan (2008) or (Subramanian, Subrahmanya & Subrahmanyan 2008) depending on the context. For later occurrences and for more than three authors please use et al. in roman.
Citations to the scientific literature are arranged alphabetically and chronologically at the end of the paper. A reference to an article contains the names with initials of the authors, the year, the customary abbreviation of the journal name, the volume number and the number of the first page. When there are more than eight authors, only the name of the first author followed by et al. should be used. The references will thus read as follows (note particularly the punctuations):
Fender R.P., Bell M.E., 2011, BASI, 39, 315
Mahabal A.A., et al., 2011, BASI, 39, 387
Peebles P.J.E., 1980, The large-scale structure of the Universe, Princeton University Press, Princeton
Penzias A.A., Wilson R.W., 1965, ApJ, 142, 419
Schmidt M., 1975, in Sandage A., Sandage M, Kristian J., eds, Galaxies and the Universe, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, p. 283
Zeldovich Ya. B., 1978, in Longair M.S., Einasto J., eds, Proc. IAU Symp. 79, The large-scale structure of the Universe, Dordrecht, D. Reidel, p. 409
Citations and credits to earlier work must be clearly given. Plagiarism is a serious ethical and legal issue, and must be avoided under any circumstances.
Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic form. A gzipped tar file containing the .pdf or .ps file of the complete manuscript, .tex source of the paper using the BASI style file, and .eps files of any figures, plus any other supporting material should be emailed to the Editor at For volumes of the ASI Conference Series, manuscripts are to be sent to the Editor(s) of the particular volume.
A LaTeX class file basi.cls (Version 2.1 from 2012 January) is provided for preparing your manuscript in the BASI format. Also available are a guide to basi.cls, and a sample paper that illustrates various features. For papers in the Conference Series, please include [conference] in the documentclass so that it reads as \documentclass[conference]{basi} or \documentclass[conference,usenatbib]{basi} at the beginning of the manuscript. Please see:
All these files are available in a single gziped tar file: basi.tar.gz.
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