"Warm Up" Assignment --------------------- The following assignment was created on the spot after receiving feedback from the participants that the original assignment was difficult. 1) Write a program to generate N random integers, where the number N should be accepted from the user through the keyboard. You will need the "random" module for this. Can you find the suitable function inside this module that can serve your purpose? 2) Write a program to accept 5 numbers and print their mean. 3) Write a program to accept 5 numbers and print their median. 4) Write a program to accept 5 numbers and print their standard deviation. 5) Create a program which defines a list [1,2,3,4,5]. And then it should accept from the number from the user and check if it inside the list. If in the list it should display "Yes, found it!" or it should display "Sorry, could not find that." You may want to use the "in" keyword for this exercise. Try typing "a" in "Jack" and see the output. This should help you understand what the "in" keyword does. 6) Write a program which accepts two command line arguments and returns their sum. 7) Accept from the user names of 5 students and their marks. Make a Python dictionary of the form { "Chris" : 55, ... } and print the dictionary. 8) Write a program which accepts a name from a user and prints the same name with all letters capitalized. Use iPython to find the correct string method for the same. 9) Write a program to accept as a command line argument the temperature in Celsius and print the Fahrenheit equivalent of the same. 10) Define a function which accepts a number and checks if the number is prime or not. It should return True if prime else return a False. 11) Define a function is_palindrome() that recognizes palindromes (i.e. words that look the same written backwards). For example, is_palindrome("radar") should return True. 12) Write a program that accepts a file name and checks whether the file name is bad or not. A file is defined to be bad if it contains a space. 13) Extend the above program to also check for whether special symbols such as $,%,^,&,*,(,) are used in a file. 14) Write a program to print the following: 1 22 333 4444 55555 15) Write a program to print all even numbers from 0 to 100. Write a version to print odd. 16) Read lines from a text file line by line in a loop and print it. 17) Read numbers from a text file and print square of that numbers. 18) Read number from user input and print square of that number 19) Read a sentence from user and split them to words and print one word in a line 20) Read line by line from a multicolumn text file, and then split them into list and print only first word of each line. 21) Read line by line from a multicolumn text file, and then split them into list and print number of words in each line. 22) Do the same as above, but instead of printing, write into a text file instead.