GMRT Exposure Time Calculator
(Continuum/Spectral Line)

In case of queries, please write to gmrtcalc[at]

Users are advised to run the ETC on the Firefox or Chrome browsers.
Problems have been noticed in some versions of Safari.

1 Observation Type
2 Observing Band
4 Number of antennas
5 Bandwidth
7 Number of Polarizations
8 Image weighting
9 Source co-ordinates(J2000) RA Dec
10 Sky temperature (T_sky, K)
11 Calculation Type
12 RMS noise
13 On-source Time
14 Fudge Factor
15 On-source Time including Fudge Factor
16 Overheads
17 Extra Bandpass/Polarization Time
18 Total Time (15+16+17)
19 Confusion Limit (σ_c*)