The remnant of SN 1987A is characterized by a rather complex morphology and a highly non-uniform distribution of ejecta. These characteristics reflect, on one hand, the interaction of the blast wave with the inhomogeneous circumstellar medium and, on the other hand, large-scale asymmetries in the SN explosion. Here we present the first results of a PRACE large numerical project aimed at linking the morphology of the remnant and the structure of ejecta to the physical and geometric characteristics of the asymmetric SN explosion. We describe the evolution from the on-set of the SN to the development of the full-fledged remnant through 3D MHD modeling. We consider different stellar progenitors and perform multi-species simulations to follow the evolution of metal-rich debris for 50 years. By comparing the model results with observations of SN 1987A in different bands, we identify the physical and geometric characteristics of the asymmetric explosion which causes the Doppler shifts in emission lines from metal-rich debris and the anisotropies in the distribution of ejecta as revealed in different wavelength bands.