The multiwavelength (0.2-150 keV, plus 1300-3000 Ang) Astrosat mission has provided us with a unique opportunity to carry out deep, simutaneous study of a few supernovae remnants, both in low resolution (~ few arcmin), soft x-ray (0.2-8 keV) bands and in high resolution (~1.2 arcs) NUV and FUV narrow band filters. We present here the first results from our program to map the Cygnus supernova remnant in narrow band NUV (100 A at 2800 A) and narrow and broad band FUV filters, on the Astrosat/UVIT instrument. Our maps isolate regions of hot (10$^{4-5}$ K) and intermediate (5000- 8000 K) temperatures via emission lines of C IV (1550 Ang.), He II (1640 Ang.), and Mg II (2800 A). Using low resolution Astrosat/SXT soft x-ray maps, archival XMM-Newton and Chandra data, and archival optical observations of select fields, we bridge the gap between x-ray bright ($10^{6-7}$) K and cool, optical regions, thus providing a more complete picture of the interaction of blast wave and supernova ejecta with the local medium.