SLSNe and long GRBs are both primarily hosted in star-forming dwarf galaxies at low metallicity and with very young stellar populations. There has been some debate on whether SLSN hosts and their environments are more extreme in their properties (star-formation, age, metallicity etc.) than GRB hosts. Most of the current studies and comparisons, however, have been based on long-slit observations or global host properties derived from broad-band imaging. Here, we present our results from IFU data on SLSN and GRB-SN hosts to determine differences at the explosion site. As a curious case we present IFU data of the seemingly solar metallicity SLSN host and explosion environment of SN 2017egm. Detailed star-formation history modeling reveals the contribution of a young low-metallicity population, which we interpret as the likely stellar population from which the SLSN progenitor originated.  This shows that 3D studies and detailed modeling are crucial in order to properly understand and compare the environments and likely progenitors of the most luminous stellar explosions.