Here a casa based pipeline for analysing GMRT (both GSB and GWB) is made available. The pipeline was originally developped by Russ Taylor in 2011 and modified by Ishwara Chandra in 2018. The major improvements was in optimum flagging and also introducing residual based flagging in self-calibration loops. These changes have shown to improve both the rms and image fidelity.

The pipeline is described in detail in the upcoming paper, Ishwara-Chandra et al 2020 (paper on ELAIS N1 wide field; Ishwara-Chandra et al., MNRAS, 497, 5383). If you have used this pipeline, kindly refer to the above paper for the pipeline.

The pipeline does not have direction dependent caibration schemes as of now. Also, it is NOT tested for uGMRT band-2 (150 MHz)

Pipeline available here for download
