UBVRI CCD photometry of open clusters Haffner 9 and Waterloo 7
S. Sujatha, Sowmya S. Kulkarni and G. S. D. Babu
M.P. Birla Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore
E-mail: sreesuji@gmail.com

Abstract. In the present work we have analyzed the CCD photometric data of two not-so-well studied open clusters Haffner 9 and Waterloo 7 in the UBVRI pass bands. This study is a part of the major project undertaken to provide a better picture of the stellar populations in the Galactic disk, with an aim to obtain the basic parameters of these clusters for the first time. They were observed on 12 November 2005 and 11 January 2006 respectively with the 2m Himalayan Chandra Telescope at Hanle. The colour excess E(B-V) is estimated to be 0.55 mag for Waterloo 7, whereas the cluster Haffner 9 shows differential reddening of 0.82 - 0.95 mag. By using the star count method we have estimated the cluster radius as 4 and 3.5 arcmin respectively for Haffner 9 and Waterloo 7. Further the clusters Haffner 9 and Waterloo 7 are estimated to be at a distance of 3.63 ± 0.5 and 2.512 ± 0.5 kpc respectively. The log(age) of Haffner 9 is estimated to be 8.20 and that of Waterloo 7 is 7.75.