North-South asymmetry in coronal rotation
Satish Chandra1 and Hari Om Vats2

1Department of Physics, PPN College, Kanpur
2Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad

Abstract. The solar images at 17 GHz by Nobeyama Radio Heliograph and in X-ray by soft X-ray telescope (SXT) on board Yohkoh satellite have been of particular interest for the estimation of solar coronal rotation using flux modulation approach. These studies established that the solar corona rotates differentially, as in the photosphere and chromosphere; but the gradient is significantly lower. The radio images estimate equatorial rotation period lower than those estimated by the X-ray images. The latitude profiles of the coronal rotation have temporal variability. The space-time plots of sidereal rotation period, obtained during 1999 - 2005 using radio images at 17 GHz and during 1992 - 2001 using X-ray images, interestingly, display clear North-South asymmetry. The asymmetry changes its sign in odd and even activity cycles of the Sun.