Measurement of time-delay in the gravitationally-lensed quasar SDSS J0806+2006
Rathna Kumar Sathya Keerthi1, C. S. Stalin,1, M. Tewes2, F. Courbinz2, T. P. Prabhu1 and G. Meylan2
1Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore
2EPFL, Observatoire de Sauverny, Versoix, Switzerland

Abstract. We report new measurement of the time-delay between the photometric flux variations of the quasar images in the (double-image) gravitationally lensed quasar SDSS J0806+2006 at a redshift of 1.537. A total of 97 epochs (amounting to 504 image frames) of observations were acquired on this quasar in R-band using the 2-m Himalayan Chandra Telescope in Hanle between the period October 2007 and May 2010. The observed image frames were reduced using the MCS deconvolution technique (Magain, Courbin \& Sohy 1998, ApJ, 494, 472) to obtain the light curves of the quasar images. The light curves are then subjected to curve shifting procedures to get an estimate of the time delay in this lensed system as part of a larger collaboration called COSMOGRAIL (Cosmological MOnitoring of GRAvItational Lenses).