Exploring the disk accretion in DI Cep
Padmakar Singh Parihar and N. S. Shantikumar
Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore
E-mail: psp@iiap.res.in

Abstract. The low mass young stellar objects of class-II, popularly known as classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) supposed to be surrounded by thick flared disk and accretes disk material through strong stellar dipolar magnetic field. The disk accretion rate and its variation with time is poorly know. DI Cep is an interesting object, found to have unexpected hump around 5300 Ao in the continuum excess emission spectrum, which cannot be explained by current models of YSOs. Over the last six years this object is being spectroscopically as well as photometrically monitored using HCT. The data have been analyzed and modeled using a simple modeling technique developed by us. In this paper, we report for the first time our results related to the disk accretion phenomena in DI Cep.