GTAC observing inputs (Command file, 1.4)

Fill the inputs below  OR upload the previous setup file 

Project information:

User's name(s)...............  User's email id(s)..........
GTAC code.....................  Project title (in short)...
Observing slot start(IST)  Slot length (hours)........
Observing type............... Continuum/Imaging Line/Spectroscopy Pulsar/Beam

Receiver and Backend setup(GWB):

Array Mode Band Width(MHz) Spectral Chan Resolution(kHz) Stokes Para STA Cycle RFI Filter PFB

Source co-ordinates-list (J2000):

Enter the co-ordinates below OR upload the source file 
Source        Ra            Dec           Epoch   *Time(min) *DM(pc cm^-3)             '*' indicates optional field

Observing Plan(command file):

A conservative estimate of 2 minutes overhead between two scans is included in the command file

No Command Option Source(target) Time(min) Time-line Insert/Delete Command

Special requirement or additional info (if any):

Please email downloaded file to
For any queries, please write to