Star formation activities in Sharpless 311 complex
R. K. Yadav, A. K. Pandey and Sharma, Saurabh
Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences, Nainital

Abstract. The H II region NGC 2467, also known as Sharpless 311, is located at a distance of 4.1 kpc. This region is dominated by one O6 Vn star, HD 64315. There are also two stellar clusters in the area, Haffner 19 (H19) and Haffner 18ab (H18ab). Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Advanced Camera for Survey (ACS) data shows a large number of brightened ridges and cloud fragments in NGC 2467 (De Macro et al. 2006). Recently, Sinder et al. (2009) found several YSO candidates at the edge of the H II region, indicating a possible site of induced star formation. We present the results of optical and near-infrared (NIR) observations with the KISO and CTIO telescope, to search for very low mass young stellar objects in this region. We construct JHK color-color and J - H /J to identify very low luminosity young stellar objects and to estimate their masses. Based on these color-color and color-magnitude diagrams, we identified a population of embedded YSO candidates with infrared excesses (Class I and Class II), associated with the region. Based on these observations, we will present the nature of these YSO candidates and associated cluster properties. We will also try to interpret the possible star formation scenario in this complex.