Near-infrared studies of the recent (2008) outburst of V1647 Ori
V. Venkataraman and B. G. Anandarao
Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad

Abstract. V1647 Ori, McNeil's object is a low mass young stellar object showing outburst activity possibly like Exors. Following the well documented 2004 outburst (e.g., Ojha et al. MNRAS, 2006, 368, 825) that lasted for nearly two years, V1647 Ori underwent another outburst episode in August 2008 (IAUC 8969). We have been making regular follow-up near-infrared observations at Mt. Abu observatory during the current outburst phase. Our observations showed that there were no significant changes in the infrared photometric magnitudes during this outburst phase so far, lasting for more than two years. However the H and K band spectra indicate variability in the spectral features (H I Brackett series, first and second CO overtone bands) on month scales, possibly due to variability in mass-accretion rate. Details of these observations and their implications will be presented.