Photometric and spectroscopic study of the S0 galaxy, NGC 1266
Sheetal Kumar Sahu
Pt. R. S. University, Raipur

Abstract. We present the results from a photometric and spectroscopic study of the S0 galaxy, NGC 1266, in the optical wavelengths. This project was carried out as part of the IGO observational training school, held during 20 December, 2010 to 15 January, 2011, at IUCAA (Pune). Surface photometry was performed in the BVR wide band and H-alpha narrow band filters. We used ellipse fitting to the isophotes, to measure the surface-brightness profile, the radial variation of position angle, ellipticity, and the B4 (boxyness/diskyness) parameter. We created colour maps and H-alpha emission line maps to identify the spatial distribution of dust features and ionized gas. We report the identification of extended cone of ionized gas outflow in the central 2 kiloparsec region of NGC 1266. Follow-up spectroscopy shows that the narrow-band emission is dominated by the [N II] emission, which is stronger than H-alpha emission. We detect outflow velocity of approximately 500 km s-1 from the wavelength shifts of the emission lines. Our results from the spectroscopic study include emission line identification, flux measurements of the emission lines, and physical parameters of the ionized gas.