Timing and spectral properties of transient X-ray pulsar GRO J1008-57
Sachindra Naik1, Biswajit Paul2 and S. V. Vadawale1
1Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad
2Raman Research Institute, Bangalore
E-mail: snaik@prl.res.in

Abstract. We present the timing and spectral properties of the Be transient high mass X-ray binary pulsar GRO J1008-57 using Suzaku observation in the declining phase of its 2007 outburst. Pulsations with a period of 93.737s were clearly detected in the light curves of the pulsar up to energy of ∼100 keV. The pulse profile was found to be strongly energy dependent, a double peaked profile at soft X-ray energy bands (< 8 keV) and a single peaked smooth profile at hard X-rays. The broadband energy spectrum of the pulsar is well described with three different continuum models viz. (i) a high energy cut-off power-law, (ii) a Negative and Positive power-law with Exponential cut-off (NPEX), and (iii) a partial covering power-law with high energy cut-off. In spite of large value of absorption column density in the direction of the pulsar, a blackbody component of temperature ∼0.17 keV for the soft excess was required for the first two continuum models. A narrow iron Kα emission line was detected in the pulsar spectrum. The partial covering model, however, is found to explain the phase averaged and phase resolved spectra well. The dip like feature in the pulse profile can be explained by the presence of an additional absorption component with high column density and covering fraction at the same pulse phase. The details of the results will be presented.