Multiphase ISM in a starburst galaxy NGC 1482
Nilkanth Dattatray Vagshette1, S. S. Sonkamble1, M. K. Patil1, S. K. Pandey2 and Ajit Kembhavi3
1S. R. T. M. University, Nanded
2Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur
3Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune

Abstract. We present the multi-wavelength study of a starburst galaxy NGC 1482. Optical broadband imaging analysis reveals a prominent dust lane well aligned along its major axis with dust extinction properties identical to those in the Milky Way. Ionized gas map derived from the deep H-alpha imaging analysis shows a physical association with the dust in this galaxy. The star formation rate estimated from H alpha flux value is ∼ 1 M/yr while that derived from the IRAS flux density is 11.87 M/yr. X-ray emission map of NGC 1482 was derived from the analysis of 28 ks Chandra X-ray archival data. X-ray emission maps thus derived in different energy bands show asymmetric distribution of hot gas well beyond the optical D25 region in this galaxy and have an extension orthogonal to orientation of the dust lane. We do not find any point source in this galaxy; however, double nuclei are evident in hard band emission map of this galaxy. The X-ray spectrum extracted for this galaxy was fitted with the VMEKAL and a simple power law component. Temperature profile of the diffuse X-ray component reveals a systematic gradient.