Infrared photometric study of the massive star forming region S235 using Spitzer-IRAC and Mt. Abu JHK observations
Lokesh Kumar Dewangan and B. G. Anandarao
Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad

Abstract. S235 complex is known to be a site of triggered star formation due to the expansion of H II regions. We present the Spitzer-IRAC images and IRAC ratio maps of the S235 star forming complex. In addition, we present the Mt. Abu near-infrared images of the two H II regions in the complex, called S235A and S235B. The IRAC photometry reveals on-going star formation, with 83 Class 0/I and 115 Class II YSOs in the entire S235 complex. We have identified a new young protostar ``e2s3" in the region passing through its accretion phase. The IRAC ratio map of Ch2/Ch4 reveals that the source ``e2s3" may be associated with shock-excited molecular hydrogen emission outflow. The Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) modeling of this new source indicates that it is a very young massive star that is not yet able to drive an H II region. A few young stellar objects (YSOs), possibly in an arc-like formation, are identified towards the south of S235A in the S235A-B region, which may be an evidence for magnetically super-critical collapse. One of the sources in the arc-like formation, namely S235AB-MIR, seems to be a young, massive star that is still accreting matter. The IRAC ratio map of Ch2/Ch4 traces clearly the Brackett alpha emission associated with the H II region of S235A within the horse-shoe envelope. Outside the horse-shoe structure, the ratio map indicates shock-excited molecular hydrogen emission.