Study of intragroup medium in Holmberg 124 group
Alka Mishra1, Nimisha G. Kantharia2 and D. C. Srivastava1
1D.D.U.Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur
2National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, TIFR, Pune

Abstract. Quantifying the importance of complex interplay between galaxies and their environment requires the detailed tracking of galaxy properties over a broad range of environment and look-back time. Groups are vital to obtaining a complete understanding of galaxy evolution and environmental processes. In this poster paper, we attempt to interpret the observed distribution of the atomic H I and radio continuum observed using GMRT in the poor group of galaxies, Holmberg 124. We combine our radio data with data at other wavebands from literature and try to construct a model of this spiral-rich group. This group of galaxies is interesting in that all the member galaxies show signatures of interaction in their morphology and kinematics. NGC 2820 and NGC 2805 are the massive spiral galaxies whereas NGC 2814 and Mrk 108 are smaller late type galaxies in the group. In this poster, we use our empirical results to examine the feasibility of various physical mechanisms such as tidal interactions, ram pressure stripping, turbulent viscous stripping on shaping the evolution of the galaxies in this group and compare it with other groups of late type galaxies.